European Prehistory

The primary focus of Peter Bogucki's archaeological research are the prehistoric societies of Europe since the end of the Ice Age about 10,000 years ago.    Later European prehistory encompasses many types of societies, including post-glacial hunter-gatherers, early farmers who established communities based on agriculture and stockherding, builders of the megalithic monuments like Newgrange and Stonehenge, metal-using societies that began to alloy copper and tin to make bronze,  entrepreneurs who acquired luxury goods from the Greeks and Romans, and peoples who flourished beyond the Roman frontier and too advantage of the opportunities for wealth and status.    Unfortunately, in American anthropological archaeology, the study of European prehistory is overshadowed by more glamorous areas such as Mesoamerica and the Near East.    As did his mentor at Penn, Bernard Wailes, Bogucki has advocated for later European prehistory to be seen as an important and interesting cultural area, worthy of the same attention in the scholarship of anthropological archaeology as all other parts of the world.


Princeton University
School of Engineering and Applied Science
C-207 Engineering Quad
Princeton, NJ 08544 USA
[email protected]